Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Other Books

I might every once in a while put some links about books that I am reading on the side as well.  I am putting some of the Francis Chan stuff on the side in just a few.  Crazy Love is quite a bit easier to read than Bonhoeffer, but has an interesting combination of reading and video from the site he has.  It is almost like a devotional.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fully Human

Thanks to you all for coming last night and lending your ear and voice to the discussion of Bonhoeffer.  Apparently we were all impressed enough to decide to read 2 of Bonhoeffer's books over the next two sessions.  Life Together we will read and write about on the blog, right here and Cost of Discipleship we will save until July and discuss it at the club meeting.  At our next meeting we will discuss The Princess Bride.

So if you're keeping score that means for May the books are:
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (discussion on the Blog)
Princess Bride by William Goldman (discussion that night)

For July:
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (discussion at meeting)

I will be posting a primer on comments to the blog later on today- at least I hope.

God Bless you all.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ready for Tonight

I don't know where we might start tonight, but it should be interesting.  I look forward to seeing many of you there tonight.

God Bless.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Finished the book just a little while ago.  What a great book.  Great history surrounding Bonhoeffer with a great deal of research done through interviews and letters from friends.  What an interesting man.  Strong conservative theologian that admired, studied under and eulogized the leading liberal theologian in Germany.  Strong opinions and yet very accepting of those with opinions that differed from his.  Very reasoned and yet the "most lovable man" that most had met.  You don't seem to find people like him now.  What a lot of thought provoking parts within the book.  Much to challenge your theology, religiosity, outlook, and philosophy.  How do you make it all one so that to serve one Master is to live fully in the world and serve fully the LORD?

I hope to see you all tomorrow night at the club.  This should be a great discussion.