Monday, March 17, 2014

Next Book

So this is a first.  I have the next book even prior to our meeting.

Unconditional?: The Call of Jesus to Radical Forgiveness by Brian Zahnd

You might have heard Pastor Danny mention this book during his sermons.  I think this would be a great one to discuss and I think the small groups might be reading this as well.

Book Club Postponed for a week

For the sake of safety we have moved the Book Club from tonight to next Monday the 24th.  Have a great St. Patrick's Day and see you next Monday.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Meeting Tomorrow Night

Don't forget to come by Covenant tomorrow night.  We will be discussing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  I am now adding that book to the one's we have read.

This will be very interesting.  Maybe we can get someone to "Potter"......

I know some of you know what that means.

Some links pror to meeting

I wanted to share  a couple of links with you.

These are he Teddy Roosevelt rules for reading.  Great advice and good find by our wonderful Pastor Mike.

Here is a list of book that BBC came up with.  They say that you likely have only read six of them.  How many have you read?