Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Great night of discussion

We had a great discussion last night about What GOD Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity. Interspersed throughout we also got some fantastic life stories that showed how GOD can make it very apparent who's you are and how special He has made you to be. Most agreed with the authors points with some pointed exceptions. Overall the book was a blessing to read although it was difficult to get through. Bill Gilham beat home the points that Christ is the Christians life and that our identity changed at the cross to saint from sinner. He urged us to "life out" our true identity as saint and not listen to the lie that we are sinners.

Please feel free to comment on what you took from the book here.

1 comment:

JMC said...

Last night's discussion was very enjoyable on multiple levels. First, I always enjoy fellowship with other believers, especially when we are discussing the things of the Kingdom. I find that as we discuss and share viewpoints, my appreciation of God increases and my desire to continue learning about his nature expands. It was nice to have several newcomers in the room and hope to have some of our "old timers" back for the next discussion. Looking forward to the Covenant Academy class that will spring off of last night's meeting.